Lark, Engle, Artist And Restorer Of Carousel Animals.

Lark At Pool Party
(1 of 8) (7063 views)


Pool party, lakeside, Ocoee FL, "happy hour" getting ready for fireworks over the lake. Plenty to smile about- goofing with friends at a beautiful private home with lakefront perfect for controlled explosions!

Lark Engle, Artist   •  Ocoee, Florida   •  (Date Photographed: 18:00:00 Thursday 4 July 2013)   •  (Date Published: Friday 10 June 2016)   •  © 2016 Lark Engle Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #LK_0001
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Lark With Two Dogs.
(2 of 8) (4422 views)


Lark posed by the back end of a black Land Rover. Her two dogs sat in attendance.

Lark Engle, Artist   •  Opopka, Florida   •  (Date Photographed: in 1997)   •  (Date Published: Monday 17 June 2006)   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BC_4
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Lark's Horse
(3 of 8) (4467 views)


Lark showed off her fine horse.

Lark Engle, Artist   •  Opopka, Florida   •  (Date Photographed: in 1997)   •  (Date Published: Monday 17 June 2006)   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BC_3
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Lark Pointed
(4 of 8) (4445 views)


Lark held her horse with one hand and pointed at the camera with the other hand.

Lark Engle, Artist   •  Opopka, Florida   •  (Date Photographed: in 1997)   •  (Date Published: Monday 17 June 2006)   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BC_2
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Lark Kissed Horse
(5 of 8) (4451 views)


Lark lived in Opopka, Florida with her hourse. Here, she kissed her horse's nose.

Lark Engle, Artist   •  Opopka, Florida   •  (Date Photographed: in 1997)   •  (Date Published: Monday 17 June 2006)   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BC_1
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Lark Snacked
(6 of 8) (4405 views)


Lark sat at the kitchen table in the house on Prentice Street. She snacked on mustard and crackers.

Lark Engle, Artist   •  Prentice Street   •  San Francsico, California   •  (Date Photographed: in 1990)   •  (Date Published: Monday 17 June 2006)   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BC_01
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Lark Posed
(7 of 8) (4458 views)


Lark posed for the camera while seated downstairs in the kitchen.

Lark Engle, Artist   •  Time and Space Studios   •  San Francsico, California   •  (Date Photographed: in 1979)   •  (Date Published: Friday 10 June 2005)   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BC_02
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Amused By Flying Frog.
(8 of 8) (4414 views)


Lark sat upstairs in the Time and Space Studio on Natoma Street in San Francisco. She appeared ammused by a frog marionette.

Lark Engle, Artist   •  Time and Space Studios   •  San Francsico, California   •  (Date Photographed: in 1979)   •  (Date Published: Friday 10 June 2005)   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BC_01
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