Wild Horses, Of Unalaska, Alaska

That day, they happened upon wild horses
(1 of 13) (21923 views)


That day, they happened upon wild horses

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0452D
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Surprisingly friendly, one walked right up
(2 of 13) (17194 views)


Surprisingly friendly, one walked right up

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0453D
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Although wild, they still enjoyed Cheese-Its
(3 of 13) (17624 views)


Deby, Friday 6 November 2009

It would really be nice to see the interraction of people and wild animals if they would stop feeding them the crap that we eat!!! The "little bit" she may have given them is one thing, but add up her "little bit" and for everyone else with those thoughts (I'm not giving them much) and you have too much given to them when it is not natural food to begin with! Why do "city folks" think that it is cute to feed our food to animals that would never find it in their environment without our meddling??? With the exception of seeing this being done, the rest of the photos are beautiful to see. Proving that when humans do not force themselves on a wild animal, then the natural trust will be there.

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0456D
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They were excited to find Old-Whitenose still there
(4 of 13) (17036 views)


They were excited to find Old-Whitenose still there

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0458D
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She rolled the window down to ease access
(5 of 13) (17152 views)


She rolled the window down to ease access

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0461D
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He was surprised to find the mouth so soft
(6 of 13) (18295 views)


He was surprised to find the mouth so soft

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0463D
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A loving kiss was bestowed upon the car's window
(7 of 13) (17310 views)


A loving kiss was bestowed upon the car's window

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0464D
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Hair to mane all worries fled
(8 of 13) (17322 views)


Hair to mane all worries fled

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0473D
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A cup appeared briefly to be inside his neck
(9 of 13) (17247 views)


A cup appeared briefly to be inside his neck

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0478D
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Horses always have a low opinion of fuzzy dice
(10 of 13) (17206 views)


Horses always have a low opinion of fuzzy dice

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0480D
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The foal became curious
(11 of 13) (17307 views)


The foal became curious

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0482D
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A brief confab was all that was needed
(12 of 13) (17283 views)


A brief confab was all that was needed

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0483D
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With a gentle kiss on her hand, they parted
(13 of 13) (17360 views)


hey deby, it doesnt matter what you think cause the powers to be killed off those horses about the time you wrote all that. And the Aleutians is NOT a natural habitat for horses. The stupid government brought them here years ago so screw off and know wats happening b4 you put your 2 cents in!

Wild horses in the back country   •  (2008) Unalaska, Alaska   •  © 2008 Denver Welte
Comment by Anonymous Wedenesday 9 February 2011
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #WildHorsesDutchHarbor2008_0486D
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