Tricycles, As United States Cycles

Two Tricycles Parked
(1 of 3) (8105 views)


Two tricycles were parked at one end of the children's playground on top of Yerba Buena Gardens.

Tricycle external link As A United States Cycle   •  Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo taken Wednesday 2 July 2008)   •  (Photo posted Friday 16 January 2009)   •  © 2009 David Graves Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #David_2920
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A Child's Tricycle
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A child's tricycle was parked just off the path during the grand opening of the Rincon Hill Dog Park.

Tricycle external link As A United States Cycle   •  Rincon Hill Dog Park internal link San Francisco, California   •  (Photo taken 11:06:32 Sunday 11 February 2012)   •  (Photo posted Friday 5 December 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_3373
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Fancy Auto-Trike
(3 of 3) (7637 views)


Fancy auto-trike on its way to the 2007 LGBT Parade parade.

Tricycle external link As A United States Cycle   •  One way to the 2007 San Francisco LGBT Parade   •  Howard Street, San Francisco   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  (Photo posted Friday 20 July 2007)   •  © 2007 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #2007_05
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