"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" Sculpture 1973, Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986), A British Artist, A Gift Of Mr & Mrs Earl Rouda 1980, Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco, California

The Title
(1 of 9) (6351 views)


The title of this work was cast into its bronze base. That title read, "Large Four Piece Reclining Figure."

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:14:22 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4499
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Artist's Name
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The artist's name was also cast into the bronze base of the sculpture, along with the date of its creation. Those words were, "Henry Moore 1973."

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:14:29 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4500
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On The Corner
(3 of 9) (3787 views)


The "Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" sculpture was located on the corner of Grove Street and Van Ness Avenue. It rested on a concrete block in front of Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco.

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:14:50 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4502
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The Four Shapes
(4 of 9) (3802 views)


The four shapes were cast in bronze and showed signs of weathering and age. The four pieces resembled two reclining people.

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:15:03 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4503
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Head Balanced
(5 of 9) (3872 views)


One of the two figures looked like a head balanced on a body that lay on its back.

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:15:16 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4504
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City Hall
(6 of 9) (3858 views)


San Francisco City Hall was visible beyond the head balanced on the body. The construction visible on the street was San Francisco installing Bus Rapid Transit down the center of Van Ness Avenue.

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:15:28 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4505
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Headless Bodies
(7 of 9) (3808 views)


The other figure formed from "Large Four Piece Reclining Figure," was a headless body balanced atop another headless body.

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:15:34 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4506
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Edge View
(8 of 9) (3876 views)


A photograph revealing the sculpture from its edge view. The four shapes merge together into a wonderfully complex shape.

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:16:14 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4507
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Bowling Ball
(9 of 9) (3797 views)


Someone had left a bowling ball resting against the "Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" sculpture by artist Henry Moore in front of Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco, California. The ball was loose and definitely not a part of the sculpture.

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" external link Sculpture external link 1973   •  Artist: Henry Moore (1898 - 1986) external link   •  Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall external link external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 34-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:16:26 Monday 14 October 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 17 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_4509
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