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Two red crocus plants bloomed next to three yellow miniature daffodils.
The crocus blooms were a vivid red.
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Small daisys bloomed, next to the boulder pile, inside our "Snake" raised bed garden.
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In March, our Hydrangea plant had turned winter brown, with no indication that it would recover in summer.
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It turned out that yellow daffodils grew around the concrete goose, not irises. And a few purple crocus also grew against the goose.
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Hidden among fallen leaves, this Dark-Eyed Junco was looking for bugs or seeds to eat.
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Our frontyard hellebores, under our dwarf cherry tee, were tall and in full bloom.
They exhibited both white and red blooms.
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The red crocus under our hazelnut tree were finally in full bloom.
A lovely red with a yellow center.
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Several miniature daffodils bloomed under the hazelnut tree in our side back yard.
None of them grew higher than 4 inches (or 10 centimeters).
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A few orange crocus have already bloomed, inside what in summer will become a wildflower meadow.
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We had three buckets of water set on the concrete in the side yard.
A recent rain storm filled them to overflowing.
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On the back of a low hill in our backyard, a pale green Hellebore plant was in full bloom.
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Our dogwood tree was in full bloom under a blue sky with scattered clouds.
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Our Daphne Odora plant, just to the right of our front porch, was in full bloom.
Walking out the front door wraps yourself in a wonderful smell.
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Twigs, that had fallen off our trees during a rare freeze, had been picked up and piled on our bridge over next year's pond.
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Miniature iris flowers bloomed inside one of our raised bed vegetable boxes.
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Our three Hellebore plants next to the driveway were in full bloom.
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A mature fern grew under one of our raised vegertable garden beds.
This one had suffered from a recent freeze.
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Another two ferns grew under another of our raised vegetable garden beds.
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Our blackberry bush still retained his leafs from last year as well as a few new leafs.
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To our left as we exited the harbor and entered the slough, we saw an old pier covered with sea lions. We slowly motored past them. It was quite satisfying to be at their level and so close to them. I feel like I ended up with a family portrait instead of a wildlife photo.
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Entry was located in the hotel lobby.
Three Houses surrounding a square with a snowman in its center.
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This photo shows a sea lion swimming in the late afternoon sunlight beneath the wharf in Santa Cruz. Lovely light on a lovely animal.
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Our single Hellebore plant in the back corner was tall with fresh blooms.
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Close up of a male sea lion. According to Wiki, "Zalophus californianus" means "Californian big-head" because a male grows a crest of bone on top of his head that causes a bulging forehead.
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King of the mountain and he knows it.
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