2011 Collection Of Dead Animals, and Animal Remains

A Dead Gray Squirrel Under A Pine Tree
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A dead squirrel was found laid on the ground under a pine tree in South Lake Tahoe, California internal link. This squirrel was later picked up using a shovel and discarded in a garbage can.

Dead Animals and Animal Remains   •  South Lake Tahoe, California   •  (Photo taken 11:15:42 Sunday 11 September 2011)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 26 September 2013)   •  © 2010 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #TNT_1303
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Turtle Shell Tossed In The Weeds
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While on a walk around the grounds of Charco Verde internal link (a hotel, restaraunt and nature preserve on Ometepe Island, in Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua) we happened upon this discarded turtle shell.

Dead Animals and Animal Remains   •  Charco Verde, Ometepe Island, Lake Nicaragua, Nicargua   •  (Photo taken 12:17:07 Saturday 19 November 2011)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 26 September 2013)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2003
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A Dead Puffer Fish On The Beach
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While walking along Hermosa Beach internal link we stumbled across the remains of a puffer fish washed up onto the sandy shore.

Dead Animals and Animal Remains   •  Hermosa Beach, San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua   •  (Photo taken 10:11:55 Monday 21 November 2011)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 26 September 2013)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2411
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