2011 Sunburst, And Sun-In-Splendor As A Star, A Form Of Shaped Found Art

Flower Sun
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Among all the fine pieces of ceramic art and exquisite pottery, were a few of these brighter wall pieces. Resembling both a flower and a sunburst, it could grace the wall of most any kitchen or patio.

Sunburst And Sun-In-Splendor external link   •  As Star Shaped Found Art   •  Workshop School of Ceramics internal link   •  Valentín López   •  "Cerámica Precolombina, Utilitaria, Artistica y Creativa"   •  (Date Photographed: 16:96:17 Monday 14 November 2011)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 17 December 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_0539
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