Ninkasi Brewing Company, A Booth In 2016 Mini Maker Faire, At The Science Factory, Eugene, Oregon

Fancy Custom Tent
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The tent for Ninkasi Brewing Company read, "Ninkasi Brewing Company" on one face and, "Perpetuate Better Living," on the other face.

Ninkasi Brewing Company external link   •  A Booth   •  In the 2016 Mini Maker Faire external link   •  On The Science Factory external link grounds   •  2300 Leo Harris Parkway external link   •  Eugene, Oregon external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:33:42 Saturday 11 June 2016)   •  (Date Published: Thursday 19 January 2017)   •  © 2017 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_4412
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Diagram Of Brewing Process
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On a stand at the back of the tent stood this diagram of the "Ninkasi Brewing Process."

Ninkasi Brewing Company external link   •  A Booth   •  In the 2016 Mini Maker Faire external link   •  On The Science Factory external link grounds   •  2300 Leo Harris Parkway external link   •  Eugene, Oregon external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:33:49 Saturday 11 June 2016)   •  (Date Published: Thursday 19 January 2017)   •  © 2017 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_4413
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Fancy Cooler
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A fancy gold trimmed cooler sat next to stickers on a table. The cooler was labeled, "Ninkasi Brewing Company" along its top, and "Eugene, Oregon" along its bottom.

Ninkasi Brewing Company external link   •  A Booth   •  In the 2016 Mini Maker Faire external link   •  On The Science Factory external link grounds   •  2300 Leo Harris Parkway external link   •  Eugene, Oregon external link   •  (Date Photographed: 12:33:55 Saturday 11 June 2016)   •  (Date Published: Thursday 19 January 2017)   •  © 2017 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_4414
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