We The Minis, As Food And Drink In The 2016 (17th Annual) How Weird Street Faire

Bacon Cookies
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A woman on the sidewalk held a sign indicating that bacon cookies could be purchased at the nearby We The Minis cupcake booth.

We The Minis Cupcakery external link   •  Food And Drink In The   •  2016 (17th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "The Cosmic Stew"   •  Howard Street between 1st and 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 13:30:03 Sunday 1 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Friday 13 May 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_1347
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The Cookies Menu
(2 of 4) (4073 views)


The Cookies Menu read:

Maple Bacon sandwich $7ea
Bacon Chocolate Chip, w/sea salt cookies 2 for $5
Lucky Charms cookies 2 for $5
Cupcakes $3ea
• Churro
• Red Velvet

We The Minis Cupcakery external link   •  Food And Drink In The   •  2016 (17th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "The Cosmic Stew"   •  Howard Street between 1st and 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 13:30:15 Sunday 1 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Friday 13 May 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_1348
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Iced Teas
(3 of 4) (4015 views)


A "menu" for Iced Teas, Organic, Fair Trade, Yummy, read:

Iced Teas
• Organic • Fair Trade • Yummy
Bejing Mint $4
Sunset Hibiscus $4
Berry White $4
2 for $7
Water & Coconut Water $2
H2O $2

We The Minis Cupcakery external link   •  Food And Drink In The   •  2016 (17th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "The Cosmic Stew"   •  Howard Street between 1st and 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 13:30:23 Sunday 1 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Friday 13 May 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_1349
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Next To Clothing Booth
(4 of 4) (4026 views)


The We The Minis Cupcakery stood next to a booth selling clothes. This shot was taken during a rare moment when no customers were present.

We The Minis Cupcakery external link   •  Food And Drink In The   •  2016 (17th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "The Cosmic Stew"   •  Howard Street between 1st and 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 13:30:31 Sunday 1 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Friday 13 May 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_1350
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