1996 Denver, As A Named Human Being

With Fuzzy Bear
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Denver posed while holding a fuzzy bear in one hand and a blue plastic bag in the other hand. She posed in a forest with her father wearing a "Turkey Walk" t-shirt. and her sister Katy (now Benny) wearing a 10 sweatshirt..

Denver Welte external link external link 1996 external link   •  As A Named Human Being external link   •  Location Unknown   •  Nikon D300 Camera external link   •  (Date Photographed: in 1996)   •  (Date Negative Scanned: 13:08:01 Saturday 21 March 2013)   •  (Date Published: Monday 12 April 2021)   •  © 2021 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2100
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