Day At Dog Park, With A Human Being Named Westley

Crash Landed On The Lawn
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Westley crash landed on the lawn in the local dog park that afternoon.

Day At A Dog Park   •  With A Human Being Named Westley   •  (Photo taken 14:45:19 Wednesday 15 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Tuesday 25 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #T14_1575
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Westley And Mom And Dog
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Westly ran toward his mother who was just then throwing a ball for the excited dog.

Day At A Dog Park   •  With A Human Being Named Westley   •  (Photo taken 14:55:53 Wednesday 15 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Tuesday 25 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #T14_1583
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Westley Swung
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Westley was propelled high in a swing, which brought out a grin as he watched the camera.

Day At A Dog Park   •  With A Human Being Named Westley   •  (Photo taken 15:50:19 Wednesday 15 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Tuesday 25 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #T14_1596
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