Movies, William Carter Shot

Floris Byjina (1968)
(1 of 2) (16924 views)

Lampoon of an art film with the inverse title
Linda F. as Nell
Bryan C. as The Lad
Bicycle as His Steed
With Farmer John
Shot and Edited by William Carter
A silent film shot in 16mm
Converted to digital by Digital Pickle.
(Video posted Monday 30 March 2009)
(Video filmed 1968)

Dr. William Carter -- 1946 to 2010   •  © 1968 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

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God's Rain (1974)
(2 of 2) (15368 views)

A 16mm film Film
Director: Bryan Costales
Screenplay: George Jansen
Director of Photography: William Carter
Starring: Richard James as "Sam" and Randy Musgrave as "Rudy"
16mm film converted to digital by Digital Pickle.
If video won't play, click here
(Video filmed 1974)
(Video posted Monday 9 July 2007)

Elana O'Loskey, April 21, 20:56:13 2008

Watched God's Rain - I think the digitization was remarkable, especially the sound. You really have always been interested in history, havent' you? Actually, the 'quality' of the film matches the time period perfectly! It's as if you planned it - would a digitized version of Charlie Chaplin (moving smooth and precision-like) look as good as the original? I don't think so. Did you guys actually pluck and truss, etc., the chicken and eat it? The last scene where he passes his horse to the young man is such an ancient, recurring theme through time; it reminds me of that album cover with Muddy Waters and Michael Bloomfield, "Fathers and Sons" - come to think of if, the music isn't inappropriate either

Dr. William Carter -- 1946 to 2010   •  © 1974 George Jansen Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

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