Departure, From San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

Lunch Alongside Beach
(1 of 9) (7547 views)


A group of school-age kids gathered to eat lunch alongside the beach in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 6.32" N, 85° 52' 22.59" W   •  (Photo taken 12:31:28 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3368
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Sandy Weicon
(2 of 9) (4685 views)


Someone had written the name, "Sandy Weicon" in yellow paint on the sea-wall alongside the beach in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 5.75" N, 85° 52' 23.02" W   •  (Photo taken 12:33:08 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3369
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Cristo Vive!!!
(3 of 9) (4667 views)


A small hamburger stand had the name, "Cristo Vive!!!" Beyond that shack was another which sold Toña beer.

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 2.36" N, 85° 52' 22.40" W   •  (Photo taken 12:33:35 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3370
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Horse Cart Parked Near Docks
(4 of 9) (4676 views)


A horse drawn cart was parked on the beach road near the docks. It appeared to be waiting for a tourist or two. Written in English on its side was, "Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live."

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 0.19" N, 85° 52' 26.25" W   •  (Photo taken 12:37:02 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3374
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Crafts For Sale
(5 of 9) (4657 views)


A the foot of the dock was a gathering of booths from which one could purchase locally created crafts and locally produced food.

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 0.77" N, 85° 52' 29.35" W   •  (Photo taken 12:37:59 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3376
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Jewelry For Sale
(6 of 9) (4620 views)


One of the last booths on the dock sold jewelry.

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 0.93" N, 85° 52' 29.36" W   •  (Photo taken 12:38:07 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3378
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Water Taxi Headed Into Shore
(7 of 9) (4676 views)


A water taxi and tour boat headed into the beach from the shipping docks.

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 4.58" N, 85° 52' 29.71" W   •  (Photo taken 12:46:07 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3381
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Breakwater Pelican Illusion
(8 of 9) (4670 views)


Two dozen pelicans were perched on on a jumble of concrete pieces that were used to create a breakwater. The illusion is that there appears to be fewer pelicans then there actually are.

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 6.29" N, 85° 52' 33.24" W   •  (Photo taken 12:48:06 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3387
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Cruise Ship Waited
(9 of 9) (4676 views)


The Island Princes cruise ship waited for our return from San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

Departure From San Juan del Sur external link Nicaragua   •  Walk from beach to docks for tender ride out   •  11° 15' 6.29" N, 85° 52' 33.24" W   •  (Photo taken 12:53:50 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Thursday 24 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3399
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