Ending, Of The 2013 Chinese New Year Parade

Arrival Of The Final Dragon
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The arrival of the biggest and most dramatically lit dragon marked the traditional end for the parade.

Leung's White Crane   •  International Dragon & Lion Dance Association external link   •  Ending Of The 2013 Chinese New Year Parade   •  Market Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 March 2013)   •  (Photo taken 19:33:04 Saturday 23 February 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_1114
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Inside Of Head Was Lit
(2 of 7) (5940 views)


The inside of the head was lit in a way that heightened its dramatic impact.

Leung's White Crane   •  International Dragon & Lion Dance Association external link   •  Ending Of The 2013 Chinese New Year Parade   •  Market Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 March 2013)   •  (Photo taken 19:33:34 Saturday 23 February 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_1118
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Huge Head Was Difficult To Carry
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The head was so huge that it was difficult to carry. Notice how it dwarfed the people surrounding it.

Leung's White Crane   •  International Dragon & Lion Dance Association external link   •  Ending Of The 2013 Chinese New Year Parade   •  Market Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 March 2013)   •  (Photo taken 19:33:44 Saturday 23 February 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_1121
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View Into Mouth Of The Dragon
(4 of 7) (5907 views)


Here was one view directly into the mouth of this huge dragon. Notice that the ball it was chasing was not lit.

Leung's White Crane   •  International Dragon & Lion Dance Association external link   •  Ending Of The 2013 Chinese New Year Parade   •  Market Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 March 2013)   •  (Photo taken 19:33:48 Saturday 23 February 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_1124
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Detail Of The Dragon's Head
(5 of 7) (5878 views)


A close up shot of the dragon's head that revealed details such as butterflies.

Leung's White Crane   •  International Dragon & Lion Dance Association external link   •  Ending Of The 2013 Chinese New Year Parade   •  Market Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 March 2013)   •  (Photo taken 19:35:03 Saturday 23 February 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_1132
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Detail Of The Dragon's Body
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A shot of the body of the dragon. Each section of the body was carried by an individual man.

Leung's White Crane   •  International Dragon & Lion Dance Association external link   •  Ending Of The 2013 Chinese New Year Parade   •  Market Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 March 2013)   •  (Photo taken 19:35:33 Saturday 23 February 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_1141
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Powerd By Long Extinsion Cord
(7 of 7) (5888 views)


The lights of the dragon were powered by a long extention cord that connected the dragon to a pickup truck with a generator that followed closely behind.

Leung's White Crane   •  International Dragon & Lion Dance Association external link   •  Ending Of The 2013 Chinese New Year Parade   •  Market Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 March 2013)   •  (Photo taken 19:35:40 Saturday 23 February 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_1144
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