Livestock, At The Lane County Fair, Eugene Oregon

Angus Cow Tethered To Rail
(1 of 9) (9534 views)


One side of the cow exhibit feature a row of handsome Angus cattle. Here was the face of one such cow, looking neither happy nor sad.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:29:01 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3862
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Pretty Goat Face
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In the next building were examples of many sorts of goats. This particular goat was photographed because it had a pretty face.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:30:12 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3865
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Ears Matched Nose
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A younger goat looked around a corner. It had light colored ears that matched its nose. It had an even lighter triangle patch of white on its head.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:30:30 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3866
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Map On Its Body
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Another goat had a map of a country on its body. No particular country of course, but a large map-like splotch of white on its side.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:31:45 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3868
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Black And White Sheep
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Two sheep shared adjacent cages at the fair. One sheep (number 0183) was white and the other was black. Together they rested and waited for the day to conclude.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:34:18 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3871
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Handsome Rabbit With 22 Ear
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A darkly handsome rabbit was found in a cage with the number 22 in its ear. The fur and color of this rabbit were amazingly lush.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:39:06 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3876
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Black Rabbit With White Trim
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Another cage held a black rabbit with white trim. That trim created a dramatic look for a rabbit.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:39:17 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3877
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Excessively Furry Rabbit
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A rabbit ate a bit of greens in another cage. This rabbit was excessively furry, almost looking like an abstract image of itself.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:40:41 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3878
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Freshly Hatched Chickens
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Another exhibit showed eggs incubating in a cage. Some of the eggs had hatched and baby chicks emerged. Those chicks wobbled and peeped for a while, then laid down to rest.

Livestock   •  At The Lane County Fair external link   •  Lane County Fairgrounds external link   •  796 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 13:42:29 Wednesday 22 July 2015)   •  (Story Posted Wednesday 5 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3882
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