Hummingbird, Garden, Reserva Biológica

A Flycatcher hummingbird rested on the feeder
(1 of 6) (10768 views)


A Flycatcher hummingbird rested on the feeder

Hummingbird Garden, Bosque Nuboso   •  (15 September 2008) Monteverde, Costa Rica   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #02_4489BCX
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The Ruby Throated hummingbird appeared wary of the camera
(2 of 6) (6710 views)


The Ruby Throated hummingbird appeared wary of the camera

Hummingbird Garden, Bosque Nuboso   •  (15 September 2008) Monteverde, Costa Rica   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #03_4493BCX
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A Green Hermit hummingbird hovered to feed
(3 of 6) (6670 views)


A Green Hermit hummingbird hovered to feed

Hummingbird Garden, Bosque Nuboso   •  (15 September 2008) Monteverde, Costa Rica   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #05_2394TNT
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The big-named Purple Throated Mountain Gem hummingbird
(4 of 6) (6616 views)


The big-named Purple Throated Mountain Gem hummingbird

Hummingbird Garden, Bosque Nuboso   •  (15 September 2008) Monteverde, Costa Rica   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #06_4499BCX
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A double exposed female Green Hermit humming bird
(5 of 6) (6681 views)


A double exposed female Green Hermit humming bird

Hummingbird Garden, Bosque Nuboso   •  (15 September 2008) Monteverde, Costa Rica   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #07_4507BCX
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Hummingbirds in silhouette against the forest
(6 of 6) (7763 views)


Hummingbirds in silhouette against the forest

Hummingbird Garden, Bosque Nuboso   •  (15 September 2008) Monteverde, Costa Rica   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #08_2415TNT
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