Camellia As A Flowering Plant Eugene, Oregon
Camellias are evergreen shrubs or small trees up to 20 m (66 ft) tall. Their leaves are alternately arranged, simple, thick, serrated, and usually glossy. Their flowers are usually large and conspicuous, one to 12 cm in diameter, with five to nine petals in naturally occurring species of camellias. [from wikipedia]
Camellia Buds Dark Pink Camellia
Camellia Buds, As A Flowering Plant, Eugene, Oregon

The various species of camellias plants are generally well-adapted to acid soils rich in humus, and most species do not grow well on chalky soil or other calcium-rich soils.[from wikipedia]

Dark Pink Camellia, As A Flowering Plant, Eugene, Oregon

The various species of camellia plants are generally well-adapted to acid soils rich in humus, and most species do not grow well on chalky soil or other calcium-rich soils.[from wikipedia]

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