2021 Toad Lily, As A Flowering Plant

Late Bloomers
(1 of 6) (3079 views)


Our five toad lily plants were late to bloom. In the late autumn, these three flowers finally opened.

Toad Lily external link   •  As A Flowering Plant external link   •  Eugene external link Oregon external link   •  Nikon D300S Camera external link 50mm f/1.4 Nikon Lens   •  (Date Photographed: 10:36:33 Friday 30 September 2021)   •  (Date Published: Friday 1 October 2021)   •  © 2021 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C21_1030
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Different Heights
(2 of 6) (2073 views)


Our five toad lily plants grew to different heights. We hope there will be more stems next year.

Toad Lily external link   •  As A Flowering Plant external link   •  Eugene external link Oregon external link   •  Nikon D300S Camera external link 50mm f/1.4 Nikon Lens   •  (Date Photographed: 10:36:39 Friday 30 September 2021)   •  (Date Published: Friday 1 October 2021)   •  © 2021 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C21_1031
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Closer Flowers
(3 of 6) (2119 views)


A closer view of the first toad lily flowers to bloom. The spots on the stamen were echoed on the flower petals.

Toad Lily external link   •  As A Flowering Plant external link   •  Eugene external link Oregon external link   •  Nikon D300S Camera external link 50mm f/1.4 Nikon Lens   •  (Date Photographed: 10:36:58 Friday 30 September 2021)   •  (Date Published: Friday 1 October 2021)   •  © 2021 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C21_1033
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A Second Plant
(4 of 6) (2064 views)


A second toad lily plant had also bloomed. This one had much lower stems than the other one. Its purple edged white flowers were dramatically gorgeous.

Toad Lily external link   •  As A Flowering Plant external link   •  Eugene external link Oregon external link   •  Nikon D300S Camera external link 50mm f/1.4 Nikon Lens   •  (Date Photographed: 10:37:14 Friday 30 September 2021)   •  (Date Published: Friday 1 October 2021)   •  © 2021 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C21_1034
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Unbloomed Buds
(5 of 6) (2129 views)


The other three toad lily plants had buds but no flowers had bloomed yet.

Toad Lily external link   •  As A Flowering Plant external link   •  Eugene external link Oregon external link   •  Nikon D300S Camera external link 50mm f/1.4 Nikon Lens   •  (Date Photographed: 10:37:35 Friday 30 September 2021)   •  (Date Published: Friday 1 October 2021)   •  © 2021 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C21_1035
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Other Tall
(6 of 6) (2072 views)


The other tall toad lily plant also had buds facing upward which hopefully would bloom soon.

Toad Lily external link   •  As A Flowering Plant external link   •  Eugene external link Oregon external link   •  Nikon D300S Camera external link 50mm f/1.4 Nikon Lens   •  (Date Photographed: 10:37:48 Friday 30 September 2021)   •  (Date Published: Friday 1 October 2021)   •  © 2021 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C21_1036
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