Round Seedpods

Pods Under Attack
(1 of 5) (7811 views)


Pods with a very science fictional look, appeared to be at first attacking, and then upon reflection, appeared to be in retreat.

Round Seedpods   •  Presidio, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Thursday 11 October 2007)   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  © 2007 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #20070000_01
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Seeds Wrapped A Branch
(2 of 5) (4683 views)


Seed pods wrapped a branch of a bush on Noe Street.

Round Seedpods   •  Noe Street, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Thursday 11 October 2007)   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  © 2007 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #20070000_03
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Spiny Pods
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Spikes jutted from these spiny pods found in in Isabill's back yard in Brussels that afternoon.

Round Seedpods   •  Brussels, Belgium   •  (Photo posted Thursday 11 October 2007)   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  © 2007 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Brussels_02
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Decorative Dried Pods
(4 of 5) (5129 views)


The Westfield Center was busy the week after New Years. In its basement there used to be floral arrangements for sale near the BART entrance. Here was a cluster of decorative dried pods for sale that morning.

Round Seedpods   •  Westfield Center, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 24 April 2011)   •  (Photo taken 11:31:42 Saturday 5 January 2008)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #DSC_9254B
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Dry Pod On Dry Grass
(5 of 5) (4623 views)


It had been hot and dry all week at the campground. So it was no surprise to find a dried out seed pod laying on dried grass. Even though the campground was near a river and well shaded, the dry heat was always noticeable.

Round Seedpods   •  Caswell Memorial State Park   •  South Austin Road, Ripon, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 24 April 2011)   •  (Photo taken 10:25:56 Friday 24 July 2009)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCX_4908
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