Kid's, Found Art

(1 of 2) (26064 views)


A butterfly drawn in chalk on the surface of the pier. When there were no events scheduled, the pier became a large parking lot.

Kid's Found Art   •  Piers 32-34, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 12 November 2010)   •  (Photo taken 13:17:16 Tuesday 29 July 2008)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Francisco_1555BCX
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Hop Scotch
(2 of 2) (13521 views)


A children's game of hop scotch external link. Two games were drawn with the word "Race!" between them suggesting a competition.

Kid's Found Art   •  Piers 32-34, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 12 November 2010)   •  (Photo taken 13:17:38 Tuesday 29 July 2008)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Francisco_1556BCX
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