Sand Texture, As Found Art

Footprint And Chunky Sand
(1 of 2) (14733 views)


Wet sand from an earlier rain had formed a thin crust as water evaporated off of it. Later, as people and dogs walked over it, the crust was broken into chunks and footprints were left behind. Eventually the tide would come back in and, just like an etch-a-sketch, the whole process would begin over again.

Chinook Winds Beach At Lincoln City, Oregon external link   •  Accessible via the Chinook Winds Resort & Casino external link   •  (Photo Taken 15:15:12 Sunday 28 June 2015)   •  (Story Posted Saturday 29 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3297
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Thicker Blocks Of Sand
(2 of 2) (7872 views)


In other locations on that same beach, the sand had formed into thicker chunks. Perhaps the structure of the individual grains determined the crust thickness, or perhaps it was a factor of moisture content. No matter how they were formed, the effect still made for attractive art.

Chinook Winds Beach At Lincoln City, Oregon external link   •  Accessible via the Chinook Winds Resort & Casino external link   •  (Photo Taken 15:15:20 Sunday 28 June 2015)   •  (Story Posted Saturday 29 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_32298
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