Demonstrations, At The 2012 Discovery Days

Bats Created A Marimba
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Different sized bats, from the full-sized major-league bat to the miniature toy wooden bat, were clamped between two pieces of wood to create a playable marimba.

Demonstrations At The 2012 Discovery Days   •  Bay Area Science Festival external link   •  San Francisco Giants internal link Ballpark   •  AT&T Park external link 3rd and King Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 9 November 2012)   •  (Photo taken 12:13:17 Saturday 3 November 2012)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_8121
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Robots Tossed Basketballs Into Hoops
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Just outside the front gate at 3rd and King Streets robots demonstrated that they could successfully toss basketballs through non-standard height hoops.

Demonstrations At The 2012 Discovery Days   •  Bay Area Science Festival external link   •  San Francisco Giants internal link Ballpark   •  AT&T Park external link 3rd and King Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 9 November 2012)   •  (Photo taken 12:39:41 Saturday 3 November 2012)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_8178
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Man Created Huge Bubbles
(3 of 4) (4074 views)


A man created huge bubbles for the delight of all the kids.

Demonstrations At The 2012 Discovery Days   •  Bay Area Science Festival external link   •  San Francisco Giants internal link Ballpark   •  AT&T Park external link 3rd and King Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 9 November 2012)   •  (Photo taken 12:41:37 Saturday 3 November 2012)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_8181
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Children Briefly Worhsiped The Huge Bubble
(4 of 4) (4060 views)


As the huge bubble formed over their heads, children raised their hands in momentary worship, just before they rushed to become the first to destroy it.

Demonstrations At The 2012 Discovery Days   •  Bay Area Science Festival external link   •  San Francisco Giants internal link Ballpark   •  AT&T Park external link 3rd and King Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 9 November 2012)   •  (Photo taken 12:42:27 Saturday 3 November 2012)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_8185
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