Cooking, Food

Two Fellows Barbecued
(1 of 5) (10983 views)


Two fellows barbecued meat for the North Beach Fair. Notice that the hot coals caused the fellow on the right to use tongs to hold the basting brush.

Cooking Food   •  North Beach Festival 2009   •  Upper Grant Street, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 January 2010)   •  (Photo taken 14:29:22 Saturday 13 June 2009)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BBQNorthBeachFestSF_5065BCX
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Garlic Demo
(2 of 5) (6348 views)


An easy way to prepare garlic was demonstrated at the North Beach Fair.

Cooking Food   •  North Beach Festival 2009   •  Upper Grant Street, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 January 2010)   •  (Photo taken 14:38:56 Saturday 13 June 2009)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #GarlicPlatesNorthBeachFestSF_5072BCX
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Mobile Diner
(3 of 5) (6365 views)


Vegi-burgers were prepared inside a mobile diner.

Cooking Food   •  Eat Real Festival 2009 internal link   •  Jack London Square, Oakland, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 17 January 2010)   •  (Photo taken 12:42:32 Saturday 29 August 2009)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #JackLondonSqOak_8481BCX
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(4 of 5) (6329 views)


Tomatoes, peppers and garlic were roasted in a frying pan. The goal was to blend the tomatoes and garlic after roasting to make a sauce for stuffed, roasted peppers.

Cooking Food   •  David's place, Bay Point, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 4 October 2010)   •  (Photo taken 11:57:56 Tuesday 28 September 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #115756_7857BCX
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Remove Skin
(5 of 5) (6385 views)


A blend of tomatoes, garlic and spices was poured through a strainer to remove the bits of skin and thereby yield a smooth sauce. The mixture turned out to be so thick it had to be forced through the strainer using a large spoon.

Cooking Food   •  David's place, Bay Point, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 4 October 2010)   •  (Photo taken 12:09:20 Tuesday 28 September 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #120920_7866BCX
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