Ferry Ride Away, From Ometepe Island

Ferry Ometepe No. 1
(1 of 12) (8974 views)


The car ferry arrived from the far shore of the lake. One the ferry's side were written the words:

Ferry Ometepe No. 1
Empresa Turistica Milton Arcia

Which translates into:

Ferry Ometepe No. 1
Milton Travel Company Arcia

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 08:57:55 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2120
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Anchor With Coiled Line And Mop
(2 of 12) (5544 views)


On the main deck lay an anchor with only a tiny amount of rode (chain). Line was coiled on it and near it, along with a wet mop and a broom.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 09:06:34 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2123
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A Pile of Chain
(3 of 12) (5691 views)


A pile of chain lay in the fore-peak of the main deck. Docking line was coiled near that chain.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 09:07:06 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2127
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A Passenger Watched Land Approach
(4 of 12) (5548 views)


A passenger stood near the fore-peak of the main deck and watched the slow approach of a distant shore.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 09:23:08 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2147
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Another Ferry Inbound
(5 of 12) (5522 views)


Another ferry traveled the opposite way, inbound toward Ometepe Island. In contrast to the steel car ferry were were on, the other ferry was constructed of wood.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 09:40:48 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2157
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Lovers On A Lower Deck
(6 of 12) (5634 views)


Lovers stood outside on a lower deck. Here they looked toward the stern at the departing Ometepe Island.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 09:42:01 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2163
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The Shore Toward Which We Headed
(7 of 12) (5500 views)


The shore toward which we headed was basically a ferry terminal and little else.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 10:08:49 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2171
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Tourists Point Toward The Nearing Shore
(8 of 12) (5537 views)


Here a tourist pointed toward the nearing shore.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 10:10:17 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2174
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Arrival Breakwater
(9 of 12) (5643 views)


A breakwater marked our arrival at the far shore. A couple of tourists watched the ferry enter.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 10:13:51 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2176
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A Small Line Was Thrown
(10 of 12) (5699 views)


A small line with a weight on its end was thrown to a worker on shore. It is possible to throw a light line far. It would be impossible to toss the main thick line that far.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 10:15:27 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2183
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Light Line Pulls Over Docking Line
(11 of 12) (5511 views)


The man on shore used the light line to pull the heavy docking line over. The bow of the ferry was tied up first so that its rear could swing around to back up to the unloading ramp.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 10:15:41 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2188
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A Horse Statue
(12 of 12) (5603 views)


A man carried a statue of a horse off the ferry. The horse was wrapped in furniture pads and so we could not tell if it was art or a carousel animal. That he could carry it on his back suggested that the horse was built of fiberglass.

Ferry Ride Away From Ometepe Island internal link   •  Located on Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Friday 24 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 10:26:45 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2192
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