
(1 of 3) (5842 views)


Officer's quarters inside historic Fort Point included a fireplace. Now that Fort Point remains as only an historic exhibit, the fireplace remains empty.

Fireplace As Part Of A House   •  Fort Point internal link San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Saturday 21 November 2010)   •  (Photo taken 14:55:32 Saturday 9 August 2008)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SF_1976BCX
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Artificial Log
(2 of 3) (3455 views)


An artificial log burned evenly and created a relaxed mood inside this fireplace. A high quality artificial log can burn for up to three hours.

Fireplace As Part Of A House   •  Pleasanton, California   •  (Photo posted Saturday 21 November 2010)   •  (Photo taken 16:49:58 Thursday 27 November 2008)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Pleasanton_7355BCX
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(3 of 3) (3439 views)


With proper design, a fireplace can become a piece of furniture to share the room with chairs, sofas, area rugs and other furnishings. Fireplaces make natural focus for photos, knickknacks and other chachkas.

Fireplace As Part Of A House   •  Novato, California   •  (Photo posted Saturday 21 November 2010)   •  (Photo taken 12:42:44 Saturday 7 March 2009)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Novato_0151BCX
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