Dancing Leafs, At Baker Bay Campground, Oregon

Orange, Green And Moss
(1 of 9) (7326 views)


A patch of dirt alongside the trail leading south out of the campground and paralleling the lake. That patch of ground was covered with a strikingly nice mix of dried and fallen leafs mixed with living green leafs, moss, and pine needles.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 14:46:06 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4140
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Wounded Leafs
(2 of 9) (4599 views)


A cluster of leafs rested in the shade alongside the trail. Most were wounded or sick in some way, making them less attractive than their pure green brethren in the foreground. A leaf analogy for how the sick and malformed are shunned.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 14:50:24 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4143
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Moss On Pine Needles
(3 of 9) (4586 views)


Moss had fallen off a tree next to the creek. Here it had landed on a bed of pine needles, twigs, and a pine cone.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 15:52:23 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4170
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Leafs at Sunset
(4 of 9) (4593 views)


As the sun set in the forest, only the narrow and occasional shaft of sunlight would sneak through. Here, a group of leafs from a bush were lit by that late afternoon sun, with the dim forest behind.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 18:01:28 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4199
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Leafs With Sky Above
(5 of 9) (4567 views)


Leafs, a few of which were just beginning to change color, created an oddly tense pattern overhead with the sky beyond. This was a very tall tree directly over our campsite.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 18:24:12 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4205
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Blackberries And Blackberry Leafs
(6 of 9) (4588 views)


Blackberry bushes lined the creek bed. An amazing quantity of blackberries were free for the picking. The leafs, here, created a backdrop for the bright blacks and reds of the berries.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 09:30:26 Tuesday 25 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4223
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Leafs Lit At Sunset
(7 of 9) (4589 views)


Many individual leafs were caught in a bright beam of sunlight as the sun set and was filtered through the surrounding forest. A spot-lit activity briefly seen in the trees overhead as the sun moved relative to the Earth.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 18:35:08 Tuesday 25 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4250
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Moss Covered Pine Needles Battled
(8 of 9) (4578 views)


On the one side were moss covered pine needles and on the other side were green leafs. In the late evening light, it almost looked as if the two were about to battle each other.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 18:38:27 Tuesday 25 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4256
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Trees Overhead
(9 of 9) (4602 views)


Looking up in the late evening light, a silhouette of tall pine trees could be seen surrounding a campsite. Imagine being lost in a forest and the only light coming from a small patch of sky directly overhead.

Dancing Leafs   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 18:40:12 Tuesday 25 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Sunday 6 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4257
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