A Mural, In Rivas, Nicaragua

Murals At Back Of Stage
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A collection of murals like the wall at the back of a stage in a recreation area next to Parque Evaristo Carazo internal link in Nicaragua.

A Mural Found In Rivas external link Nicaragua   •  The capital of the Department of Rivas   •  11° 26' 22.90" N, 85° 49' 43.64" W   •  (Photo taken 09:40:57 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 23 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3275
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Moon Rise Over Volcanos
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A mural that showed the moon rising between the two volcanos of Ometepe internal link Island.

A Mural Found In Rivas external link Nicaragua   •  The capital of the Department of Rivas   •  11° 26' 23.08" N, 85° 49' 43.31" W   •  (Photo taken 09:48:50 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 23 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3271
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Important People
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To the left are portraits of notable people. From left to right on the top row are: Psor: Lalo Rivera; Psor: Humberto A. Lopez; Psor: Elay Canales; Psor: Lizandro Selva; and Psor: Romon Selva. From left to right across the bottom row: Engracia Chavez; Manual mongalo y Rubia; Reynalda Mexicano; and Rafael Utecho.

The small banner in the center of the mural is the National Anthm of Nicaragua:

Himno Nacional
Salve a ti Nicaragua en to suelo
ya no ruge la voz del cañon
ni se tiñe con sangre de hermanos
tu glorioso pendón bicolor.

Brille hermosa la páz en tu cielo,
nada empaña tu gloria inmortal
que el trabajo es tu digno laurel
y el honor es to unseña triunfal.
Which roughly translates to:
National Anthm
Hail to you, Nicaragua.
The cannon's voice no longer roars,
Nor does the blood of our brothers
Stain your glorious bi-colored flag.

Peace shines in beauty in your skies,
Nothing dims your immortal glory,
For work is what earns your laurels
And honor is your triumphal ensign.

A Mural Found In Rivas external link Nicaragua   •  The capital of the Department of Rivas   •  11° 26' 23.32" N, 85° 49' 43.35" W   •  (Photo taken 09:49:04 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 23 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3272
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Gil Gonzalez Meets Chief Nicaragua
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A mural showing the historic meeting between the Spaniard Gil Gonzalez and Chief Nicaragua at Quauhcapolca.

A Mural Found In Rivas external link Nicaragua   •  The capital of the Department of Rivas   •  11° 26' 22.82" N, 85° 49' 43.57" W   •  (Photo taken 09:49:16 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 23 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3273
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The Revolution
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A scene of one of the battles of the revolution to oust Somoza. The revolution began in 1961 and ended in 1979.

A Mural Found In Rivas external link Nicaragua   •  The capital of the Department of Rivas   •  11° 26' 23.12" N, 85° 49' 43.54" W   •  (Photo taken 09:49:26 Friday 9 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 23 July 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_3274
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